Our Partnership with Ecologi

Our Partnership with Ecologi

Credit: Ecologi

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Ecologi, the social enterprise that helps individuals, businesses and organisations to reduce their carbon footprint. 

At Retro Spectacle we specialise in the sale of vintage sustainable eyewear, and the ideology behind Ecologi, made it the perfect fit for Retro Spectacle. 

Ecologi further supports our core values of promoting sustainability and by planting our own forest and reducing CO2 levels, we can help to tackle climate change. 

You can sign up to Ecologi by clicking here  and they will plant another 30 trees in our forest. Every little helps and from just £4.70 a month you can plant 12 trees every month and reduce one carbon footprint a year. With the festive season fast approaching you give a climate positive gift of trees and carbon offset, a fantastic sustainable gift.

Collectively through Ecologi in 881 days 25,460 members have planted 24.4 million trees and reduced 829,074 tonnes of CO2 emissions (03/11/2021). We want to see these numbers rocket!! 

With 30,750 members we can avoid the equivalent of 25 million road miles every day. What an achievement that would be. 

The mix of planting trees and certified carbon offsets is what really appealed to us. We all know action needs to be taken right now, and although planting trees invests in the future they are years away from being efficient carbon storage and wildlife sanctuaries. With this in mind every month we will purchase a bunch of trees and fund carbon offset projects, to do our bit towards climate change. 

Currently the projects we have contributed towards so far are, mangrove planting in Madagascar, reforestation projects in Mozambique and responsible planting in Bosawas, Nigaragua. There are also projects in the UK 

Did you know ? Mangrove trees capture up to four times as much carbon per acre than tropical rainforests. Three quarters of tropical fish rely on their root systems for nurseries and shelter. 

Ecologi Mozambique Tree Planting Retro Spectacle Sustainable Eyewear

Credit: Ecologi


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